Application of SOAR to enhance Personal, Team, System, and Organizational Effectiveness
SOAR framework for strategic conversations is straight-forward and simple with ongoing conversations that engage stakeholders in developing strategy and strategic plans that align action with:
• Strengths: What are we great at?
• Opportunities: What are the possibilities?
• Aspirations: What are our dreams and wishes?
• Results: What are meaningful (and/or measurable) outcomes?

Focussed Conversation
A workshop method that helps people learn how to hold a more comprehensive conversation thus enabling them to address everything from how to work effectively, to dealing with an office blow-up to building a better widgets, tractors, hamburgers or even how to provide better health care. It is a simple process that enables a conversation to flow from surface to depth.
Consensus Workshop Method (CWM)
The CWM is used in a variety of situations with small groups to come up with agreed upon ways and means to address a particular question. Sample situations include: action plans to do a project, consensus on solutions to a problem: an improved plan for team performance; or identifying underlying obstacles that block us.
Facilitated Planning
Generally a five stage process lasting from 4 hours to 2 days that builds an organizational future. The process is easily modified to accommodate timelines or special circumstances. The planning method often includes: description of the process; setting out a vision; describing underlying obstacles; development of strategic directions; and finishes with the development an action plan.